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What is a Timing Sprocket on a Bike Engine?

What is a timing chain sprocket in a motorcycle? How to know if a timing sprocket is bad? Does a sprocket make a bike faster? What sound does a bad timing chain make? Does timing chain affect fuel consumption? When should I replace my bike sprocket? What is the difference between a timing pulley and a sprocket? Find answers to all your questions regarding a timing sprocket in a bike.

What is a Timing Chain Sprocket?

The timing chain is the component that attaches the camshaft to the crankshaft. It’s an internal component of a motorcycle. You would find a timing chain in most of the motorcycles. Only a few motorbikes have timing belts instead of a chain.

What does a Timing Sprocket do?

The crankshaft moves the camshaft using a timing chain. The alluded chain actually pulls the camshaft down and enables the cam to move the valves down. In the process, the valve lets the air and fuel get into the cylinder and exhales the expelled gases. So in simplest words, the timing chain indeed connects the crank rotation to the camshaft. As a result, it actuates the inlet & exhaust valves.

How do you know if your bike timing chain is bad? Do timing chain sprockets need to be replaced?

The timing chain doesn’t need much maintenance. It has something known as a tensioner. It ensures the timing chain has enough tension so that it doesn’t sleep off the teeth of the camshaft. When the timing chain doesn’t have enough tension, the tensioner gets loose. A failed tensioner notifies with a noise (rattling sound) near the cylinder head. In those cases, the user must replace the timing chain, tensioner, as well as sprocket. However, if any user neglects those sounds and continues using them in such condition, suddenly there will be a misfire & a loud sound and overall the vehicle will suffer severe damage.

What are the symptoms of a bad timing chain?

A bad timing chain will show the following symptoms:

  • Loss of power
  • Engine noises on startup or acceleration
  • Reduced fuel economy
  • Camshaft & crankshaft correlation errors

Can an engine run without a timing chain?

Actually, a timing chain is an integral part of your vehicle’s engine. So, the answer is “No”. Without a timing chain, an engine can’t run at all. In fact, if the timing chain collapses when the vehicle is being driven, it will bring in some catastrophic consequences. The engine will suffer serious damage in that case.

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