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Types of Cooling System

Types of Cooling System in Motorcycle

What is the Cooling System in motorcycles or Bikes? Which type of cooling system is used in motorcycles? How does a motorcycle cooling system work? Also, How does an oil cooling system work? How does liquid cooling work on a bike? Moreover, How does the cooling system work step by step? Or, How does a motorcycle engine cool down? In this content, Deshi Biker will discuss all types of motorcycle cooling systems with their respective function, advantages, disadvantages, and more. You will also know about the best cooling system for bikes.

What is the Cooling System in a Bike? What is the Reason for the Cooling System?

A cooling system is the mechanism that cools down the engine of the bike through its functioning. Because, when you ride a bike or in other words, you fire up the ignition, which causes numerous explosions in the cylinder. Alongside the frictional forces of the moving elements, the aforementioned factor produces a sheer amount of heat. If there was no cooling system in the bikes, the internal components would be demolished due to overheating. When a user doesn’t take care of the overheating issues, it results in warping or swelling of the engine block and head. That means, it will cause your bike a superb piece of damage. So, in the simplest of words, the cooling system reduces the risk of overheating.

How Many Types of Cooling System are there in a Bike?

Manufacturers have worked or experimented with various methods and processes. There are actually 3 types of cooling systems currently used in motorcycles. Those are:

i) Air Cooled System

ii) Oil Cooled System

iii) Liquid Cooled System.

Oil Cooling System in Bikes

Let’s know about the motorcycle cooling systems in detail.

Air-Cooled Engines

It is the most common technology you would see in the bikes used in the sub-continental region. Generally, there are fins on the engine of the bike. They don’t only come with an elegant design feature but also play a fundamental role in the performance of the motorcycle. This system cools down the engine with the air passing through the aluminum fins during the bike’s movement.


The pros of this air-cooled engine system includes:

  • Easy manufacturing process.
  • They are really cheap and affordable and hence the overall price of the bike stays reasonable.
  • Also has the convenience of easy maintenance.


The major issues for such cooling systems are:

  • Unable to ensure optimal or high performance.
  • Also, this type of cooling system is inefficient.
  • Engine seizure can happen and that would be a serious problem.

Oil-Cooled Engines

In this type of engine, you also see the airflow being channeled through the fins. But there is an externally mounted oil cooler as well. That’s why sometimes people recognize them as air-oil-cooled engines. An oil cooler circulates the oil and flowing air cools it. Another jacket then circulates the cooled engine oil.


See the conveniences of this system.

  • They are more efficient than air cooling.
  • Features a simple technology.
  • Also offers easy as well as affordable maintenance.


The cons of this system are:

  • Not compatible with high-performance bikes.
  • Efficient but not as much as the liquid-cooled system.
  • Causes to add more weight to the motorcycles.

Liquid-Cooled Engines

Also known as the water-cooled engines. Generally, installed in high-capacity motors. Indeed, they are able to generate a lot of power as they are high-revving. The internal channels circulate the liquid coolant. It absorbs the heat from the engine as well. There is a process of pumping towards the radiator that enables it to keep the coolant’s temperature down. Air & additional fans play the role of cooling that down. Then the system circulates it around the engine.


Here is the list of facilities the liquid-cooled engines provide:

  • This is the most efficient engine-cooling system at the moment.
  • Able to provide the top-notch performance for longer periods.
  • Also, doesn’t consider in terms of high speed.


There are a few concerning sides of the water-cooled system.

  • The manufacturing process is pretty much complex.
  • It’s a very costly option and increases the overall pricing of the motorcycle.
  • As you can assume, maintenance is also expensive for this type of engine.

Air-cooled vs Oil-cooled vs Liquid-cooled Engines

  • The air-cooled system is cheaper. They feature primitive technology as well. But they are the least efficient types among the 3.
  • With a high rev and higher speed for a longer period, the air-cooled system would overheat. But the water-cooled system would finely work for a longer period.
  • But if you ride moderately within the city and don’t go for longer rides, it means you need a commuter bike. In that case, the engine doesn’t get much stress. Thus, the air-cooled system would be fine enough for you.
  • The oil-cooled system has some added features than the air-cooled system. Overall, the oil-cooled system is better than the air-cooled system in some ways. But still, for high performance, they are not that much good.

Which Cooling System is Best for Bikes?

From the above discussions, we can come to the conclusion that liquid-cooled engines are the best options available. They may cost you more but offer the best possible performance. For commuting & city rides and with a budget issue, the air-cooled system will do the job. Meanwhile, for a bit moderately higher usage, the oil-cooled system would suit more. In one word, the liquid or water-cooled system is the best cooling option for bikes or motorcycles.

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