What is VVA Technology?

Variable Valve Actuation (VVA) is tech-term refers to the range of technology and efficiency of the engine, this technology aids the engine in producing seamless acceleration even at top speed. Though VVA technology has been brought to the limelight by Yamaha R15 in recent times, VVA is an earlier 1980s concept. Due to so many limitations, automotive engineers found it difficult to employ VVA technology in designing a VVA-integrated engine. We are heading to make an elaborate discussion on Variable Valve Actuation (VVA) working process and efficiency.

Actually, VVA takes part in real-time opening and closing of valve’s head in a standard ratio, usualy after 7400 rpm VVA gets activated by itself without any interruption. In a four-valve engine two larger valves open to intake air-fuel mixture to deliver into combustion chamber, the smaller tow valves open to exhaust gases. Here, four valves work together from the very beginning, two valves provide same quantity of fuel in lower, mid, and higher rmp. However, the engine doesn’t require same quantity of fuel at lower rpm as in higher rmp. This process wastes fuel at lower rpm and discharges black smock at a large scale. In a VVA-integrated engine fuel supply is precisely measured by an automatic VVA sensor. At lower rpm one valve intake air fuel and another valve exhaust gases, the engine gests proper fuel supply and exhaust minimum gas. When the engine reaches at higher rpm (7,400) the rest of the two valves are automatically activated by shiting the camshaft to feed more fuel. As the engine gets proper fuel at higher rpm so its performance doesn’t drop at top speed.

Advantages of VVA

  • VVA reduces emissions of gases
  • It optimizes fuel consumption leads a better mileage
  • Enhance transient response
  • Realtime response
  • Individual cylinder control
  • Dual compression ratio
  • Auto/customized tuneable
  • Overhear resistance

In a word, VVA is the most powerful accomplishment of the automotive industry to meet maximum performance and fuel economy. Moreover, VVA technology minimizes overall maintenance costs and reduces emissions which is good for the environment.

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